Saturday, 6 October 2007

Taller de Tapas, C/Comtal 28

Fri Oct 5

Tapas selection - Taller de Tapas, Comtal 28 (Portal de l'Angel)
Any of the three Taller de Tapas restaurants are always great for trying out some more unique tapas, as they craft their own specialities. The restaurants and the prices are a bit more upmarket than the usual tapas bar I prefer - the cheap and cheerful variety - but on Friday I was celebrating that I'd had a quick and easy experience with the Spanish bureaucracy in getting NIE Number/Residence Card, whereas I thought it would take an age.

Tables are usually always full, but there's normally plenty of space at the bar, so that was where I sat. One thing to mention about this restaurant is that it didn't have all the tapas that's on the menu (missing ones marked with a dot) whereas the main one, in L'Argentaria 51 always seems to have the full list available.

Tapas is always best when there's a crowd of you and you can then select a large variety and get a little bit of each, but its still good when eating on your own, as long as you select a decent mix.

I went for the following:
'Espinicas con pancete Iberica y garbanzos' - Spinach with Iberian bacon and chickpeas
'Boquerones a la malaguenya' - Malagan anchovies
'Sardinas a la plancha' - Griled sardines

All were good, but especially good was the Espinicas, the spinach itself was full of flavour (unususal for spinach) and the small slices of Iberican bacon were great combination with the chickpeas.

Rating out of ten: 8

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